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The disconnect between Software Developers and Technology Employers

Ok this is a difficult subject as I am still fighting to remain in the business of software however the reality is employers view software developers differently.

Note: My goal of this article is to bridge the gap between employer and software developer to create an understanding for both parties.

What's mostly implied is the following:

1.That we all come from paradise and maybe went to your alma mater college and my family were software developers as well so I got contacts and that I should have built the next or previous Star Wars game if you are in the software games business, or the next Spotify before a considering the next hire.

2. That I'm a genius and know 50 programming languages (which is very difficult as each language can do up to millions of tasks) or that I'm a Java developer which now has influenced the current age of Fullstack developer.

3. Even if you meet the requirements there's always something there are looking for that's not on the job description.

The reality for most software developers

1. Although a software developer is probably somewhat smart we are all vastly different, have different backgrounds, and specialize in different areas of development.

2. Even the people who made Star Wars or Spotify had to start somewhere and if I worked previously for them I most likely won't be contacting the next employer unless I'm extremely unhappy and can afford to move on.

3. We aren't robots 50 languages is less practical as in reality we know like 2 or 3 and we are more like mechanics one guy could be front end, 1 for backend, and another for networks and SOA applications.

4. Previous title isn't everything just because my previous title is different doesn't mean I don't know the job I'm applying for or that I'm not great at it just because I wasn't on the Spotify team.

5. Requirements are often unrealistic and HR people and those control the hiring process can be less knowledgeable about what you do or are capable of as even resumes on the surface are not everything even a interview barely covers all a software developer can actually do or might even be currently doing.

So this creates a disconnect in the world of Technology

My opinion would be if the skills are there and so is the deification offer a good opportunity especially to those who might need it more as all backgrounds are going to be different doesn't mean there any less skilled. Also it could mean they can become more fit to develop how your business chooses to go about development as opposed to just doing things the way they know which can lead to problems and even less solutions.

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