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Salary Range for Software Engineers

This discussion is for salary ranges for Software Engineers and what the actual average numbers are different from the previous post of "Explanation of Base Salary for Software Engineers" which if you are interested in reading why these numbers are justified you can check out this post which can be found in the following link:

This discussion however is for the actual market numbers and how cost of living in the area, taxes, travel, costs, years of experience, skills, certifications, degree's, and how all of this comes into play.

So to begin for any Software Engineer past 1 year a Junior Software Engineer is worth 120K a year or $57.69 a hour at the bare minimum that's just to start with as often more times than not most Software Engineers take on a lot of business projects all at once, have earned qualifications or certifications that cover a large set of skills, are not common on the job market, and if hired have a difficult job at hand so the market starts at 120k a year or $57.69 an hour which is extremely fair and actually the bare minimum in the US where cost of living and taxes are extremely high that doesn't even include 401k plans.

So for Employers and hiring managers I know this isn't an easy subject but if a Software Engineer or even myself has requested this is just to start and is the average minimum if you are located in the US you are not being overpriced here this is actual starting point the actual minimum in the US its justified.

You can see for yourself on Glassdoor the link is below:

So if you checked the above link and you're a hiring manager you can now let your employer know the current market and if in any capacity you are considering me as a hire for a Software Engineer I'm not overpricing you I'm simply saying I can't work for free I have house bills, renting costs, taxes, responsibilities, medical, dental, same as you we are not robots we are actual people and this is the market. For a Software Engineer this is the starting point and 120k a year for $57.69 a hour is actually still very much below the starting point so I'm actually being very fair here if this was my 1st salary expectation or the salary expectation of any Software Engineer in the US past 1 year at least. Being a Software Engineer comes at a great cost and is very difficult for even 1 person to cover as most likely 1 Software Engineer is covering for almost 10 different jobs for just 1 work day and most likely is actually working extremely hard from the start of the day to the very end of the day not counting the eventual overtime hours and emergency requests that too often occur for Software Engineers in general.

Software Engineers is a high market and the work we do is 20 times as hard most of the time so the salary range is justified especially if a Software Engineer is being asked to relocate which for Employer's and hiring managers as a notice isn't for free even if we are still a local within the area.

So for Software Engineers, Hiring Managers, and Employers if you read this you now have a quick basis of the market for Software Engineers in the US.

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