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Explanation of Base Salaries for Software Engineers

This discussion is for both for Employers, Hiring Managers, and even fellow Software Engineers who could end up viewing this page. If your a hiring manager you might have viewed this link in my resume I had attached somewhere.

Note I understand this is a sensitive subject but this is a topic I have to discuss as this topic is about current market, what a Software Engineer is, and how salaries work at least in the US if you are overseas obviously that's a different story so this is about Software Engineers in the US.

What is a Software Engineer?

Well before we get into skills and advanced details let's start with a basic point here.

Where people no different than your fellow coworker or friend we have responsibilities same as other people this just happens to be our profession or occupation. So for Employers or Hiring Mangers keep this in mind we are not your computer programs or robots even if we work on them I'm a coworker and a person same as you which means we have our on own set of skills, qualifications, backgrounds or job path, even if my job path or current profession is different doesn't mean one shouldn't be treated with fairness or respect for what they do as being a Software Engineer is very difficult and often times we have to figure out what needs to be done, do knowledge transfers, have to figure out problems, and if we are not your 1st set of hires we now have to figure out what your previous Software Engineer did to preform business for you. This also includes meetings with fellow coworkers, business, and having to explain tasks that have to be completed and doing research most of the time as needed for new programs very difficult.

So with all of this in mind we work hard and our work is very difficult most of the day we actually spend working hard to get the job done same as you we are people and we are not all geniuses either that's actually only 1% of Software Engineers and most likely there are well off and aren't the people who are being considered for a position or working on a project with you. Where people we work as hard as you work as a hiring manager, or fellow employee in a different department, so any Software Engineer is well worth a fair salary same as everyone else especially if they worked for more than one year regardless of the circumstance or previous form of business let alone if they have worked in the field 10 years or more.

Are all Software Engineers the same?

No we are not all Full Stack Engineers who work on every area of programming or every programming language available. What we work on or what is considered an actual form of business is going to be completely different based on our professional background which should be granted respect regardless as Software Engineering is very hard work period especially if we work alone as now that means we are covering for at least 7 to 10 jobs and we aren't being covered or compensated for it. If someone you are looking to hire has completed Software Engineer projects with almost no teammates you actually should want to hire them more than others as most likely they work the hardest and can actually get the job done when eventual problems arise as a Software Engineer who doesn't have as much teammates or coworkers is most likely an army of 1 which why the salary demand in the market is justified keep this is mind if you are a hiring manager.

So keeping all of this in mind we are not all Full Stack Engineers who build websites and work with every programming languages, or hackers for the matter. Some focus on Python because their Security Engineers, some C# because they build websites, some are Embedded Engineers and work with hardware most of the time and may only work with C++ and Assembly Language on occasion.

Then there is the question what do we use the programming language for every Software Engineer even this is going to be completely different it makes any Software Engineer no less qualified only different as some Software Engineer's program strictly for Websites so data names and abstract classes are more important, some build AI so programming math equation's are more important, some program behavior so If Statements and While loops are more important. Then there is the rare case a Software Engineer for Video Games has applied to your company and may use all the programming languages, and Software requirements but for completely different reasons, even for use of hardware.

So all this considered paying your Software Engineer a fair salary to work for you or even considering for Employee right off the bat should be treated with respect as regardless we most likely have to work just as hard as everyone else. All of this comes into play the moment we work for you so a fair salary is justified regardless of who the Software Engineer is and shouldn't be questioned for their skills but should be asked what they do Software Engineering for.

So if you are an Employer or hiring manager reading this and you're wondering why a Software Engineer's minimum salary is 120k a year or $57.90 an hour which is the actual minimum you should pay it is extremely justified as a Software Engineer have a lot of work to do that is unaccounted for and we often have to fit it into a 9 to 5 period and since where people that also includes paying house bills, rent, cost of living, travel, taxes, medical, dental, and if we have a degree in the field that most likely means our experience came as a great cost at every level. So paying a Software Engineer and treating them with respect should be done regardless of background as usually our work comes with a high price for us and for the amount of work especially if high travel cost is required.

So salaries for Software Engineers if the salary is past a year and starts at 120k a year or $57.90 an hour for a new hire is justified especially in the US where the cost of living is extremely high.

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