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Proof of concept 2D Art, 2D animations, and different art styles

This article is a proof of concept that although I can work with 3D artwork I can work with 2D Animations and 2D Artwork as well. If you are a hiring manager this article proves a solid proof of concept that I have an understanding of 2D animations, 2D artwork, and can change my graphic art style if needed to fit almost any game graphical style.

The Below is a 2D Cartoon version of my character I made for Arma 3 required a very small conversion process.

This character was previously in a 3D version now its in 2D and in a completely different graphical style this shows changing a character from 3D to 2D isn't the most difficult process especially if you are a sculpting artist.

From here I already have a character in 2D Form and a 2D weapon animation from 1 conversion. Afterwards I can use simple open source tools to animate this character for aiming up and down such as the 2D animator tool below which is very similar to Blender but handles 2D Animations open source fully free.

Synfig link:

I have this tool on reserve for when I want to complete 2D animations very straightforward and not complex to use if you already used tools such as Blender and 3DS Max.

But what If if I want a cartoon version of a 3D character?

I can also reconvert this character and make it a cartoon version of a 3D character if I need to as the below photo also covers that process.

Note: I have already shown I can animate 3D characters my Character Development project is on GitHub link:

This is a small demonstration shows converting characters from 3D to 2D or to 3D cartoon versions is a rather simple process for me and doesn't take much effort to fully animate. 3D characters usually require more memory, data, ground work than 2D characters and 2D Animations. This also shows I'm not limited to just 3D animations or 2D animations or 1 graphical style I can change the themes of my character as I choose or as needed.

The full files for proof of concept files are on GitHub the link is below.


Also note I have more versions of art than this however I am choosing to keep those assets private as I have them reserved for a live game that I plan to release in the future for the Unannounced Game Project which has been in development for 1 year 4 contracts have already been completed for this project.

If you're a hiring manager reading this while I can't show the Unannounced Game art assets since those are private I can prove the completion of those 4 contracts if needed.

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