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My Profile in Software Development in Games and Technology

This article is so my readers or potential hires know my profile in the world of technology if you are a hiring manager this blog can help you understand why my application could be on your desk and help you get a clear perspective of my skills and qualifications in my own words. So to cover this I'm going to go over a series of questions.

Note: If you are non a video game employer reading this scroll down to the "General Software Development Section:"

Who am I in the realm of Development for Video Games?

I'm Software Development for Games Specialist directly skilled in C++/C#/ and Game Engines since 2009 I'm regularly Team Lead as I often come up with the idea of the game, set the blueprints, milestones, and establish the Project Plan. I'm often the guy who wrote the Technical Design document collaborated with each area of the team and because I have talent in nearly every area I can put myself in my teammate shoes and guide the project to success. Creativity and imagination is my biggest skill so coming up with solutions to problems and creating cool features and creating direction for a project are what separates me from a lot of developers one thing to say it completely different if you allow me to show this talent as then I can ensure my skills in this area.

What is my profile as a programmer for Video Games?

I'm an unorthodox programmer as I don't fit the usual mold of developers in this field as I had to learn development for games using development SDK such as Directx, OpenGL, and Hard coded C++/ C# for Game Engines and Game Objects 1st then I learned Unity3d and Unreal Engine along the way so I'm advanced in these engines as well but I'm definitely not limited to these Game Engines alone I have direct experience in Game Engine adaptation so I can learn almost any Game Engine on the fly especially if there's some form of file documentation I can go from there to create content which is why iClone7 is listed as this is a recent game engine I recently learned. Although I am primarily self taught in development I'm not a hacker I'm a development programmer which means I'm used to a setup development environment, setup development tools, and programming SDK documentation or research to program. I can improvise as well but it is usually in this setting as my focus is to make games as opposed to making development tools for games which is totally different. That being said if you were building a new development tool for games you definitely want me on the project as I would be able handle optimization and the low level programming for you. I'm also a great bug detector and code fixer.

What is my coding style as a programmer for Video Games?

I am a Object Oriented Programmer as this has been my base for 14 years I'm also a great low level programmer. C++/C# are my primary coding languages however I have learned Python and Visual Basic as well UI programming is a support skill for me as well so if you need a UI programmer I'm a great choice on the programming end.

In addition I'm almost a retro programmer as I am advanced in Assembly Language and can even use inline assembly in C++ to optimize code which is rare amongst most developers as under 5% of Software developers can optimize code especially using assembly language so if optimization is what you need you definitely want me on your team I can ensure your games are optimized to the highest level.

What are my primary IDE's? (GNU, Visual Studio. etc.)

I primarily use Visual Studio I don't use GNU IDE's since I program on Windows operating systems I have used Clang as well I also know cmake. The earlies Visual Studio version I have worked with is Visual Studio 2008 the latest version I cover is Visual Studio 2017. I can work with new code however if you need to fix some legacy code I'm a great choice as I know previous coding styles and coding IDE's well.

What is my core base as a Software Developer?

Primarily I'm a Software Developer for games don't let my previous experiences fool you I have done a large amount of indie game projects and have worked on large projects as well which my experience with Comcast and Brown-Battle Software Development greatly supports.

I have unorthodox experience but make no mistake I'm a very strong development specialist in the realm of games as its what I primarily do and have done for 14 years.

General Software Development Section:

Can I work outside of games as a Software Developer?

Yes I can work for any company that has a technology department as I'm not limited to Software Development for just games I do Software Development in any sense.

So my programming skills listed below can be applied to any company in the technology department:

C++/ C#/ Python


Oracle 12 (All Modules)

SOA Systems (Oracle)

SQL Programming

Query Programming


Visual Studio


Assembly Language

So if you need a Software Developer in general and these are the skills you need you can hand me a call just keep in mind my base is Object Oriented and I use low level programming also avoid paper assessments I'm used to hands on development after 14 years no need.

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