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My Profile as a Software Engineer

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

This article is for those interested in my skills as a Software Engineer if you're a hiring manager reading this you're probably wondering why my application is on your desk this article tells you exactly who I am as a programmer. Also if you are a fellow programmer even better.

NOTICE: If you are not a hiring manager related to Software Engineering work leave this article immediately there's nothing for you to read in the article.

My story as a Software Engineer

Raw Coding Structure /Development Environment Programming/ Low Level Programming

Originally I started programming in 2009 where I learned Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures and standard programming on my own even though I went to college for Computer Science no one taught me programming I had to learn Software Engineering entirely on my own. So the way I learned coding was by trial and error and research yes stack overflow you name it we were good friends back in 2009. This means I learned programming by figuring out what's wrong with a program not by writing the most complex code in the world as usually for me a development SDK or development environment is setup then I begin programming. I'm by no means a hacker so if you are expecting me to know everything before I even work for you as a programmer you are sadly mistaken the more information and documentation on how the existing code works the better. Not that I can't figure code out but it mainly was heavily versed in object oriented programming not Vector, Intrinsic programming, and advanced template classes. My primary languages were C++/C#/ and Assembly Language from 2009 to 2015 with the above as a focus.

Programming after 2015

So now I'm at Comcast from here I learned Data Query programming which taught me better coding structures at the API level allowing me to become a better programmer overall in any programming language. This continued for 4 years until after 2020.

Programming today 2020-2023

I usually write pretty standard coding structures however I am able to understand some advanced level of code as long as it is within the area I operate in.

As as Software Engineer Programmer what are my skills?

Object Oriented Programming (Remember I'm self taught this means I definitely know what Object Oriented Programming is because its my core coding base just don't make a quiz or written assessment on it I know how to code this in an IDE I'm by no means a college teacher). I wrote an article on why written assessments are useless anyway as it doesn't simulate a real programming scenario at all I'm not a college teacher.

What am I an expert at in programming C++/C#/ Visual Basic and Python?

Classes (Private, Public, Protected)



Void Function, In Functions, int Main, Void Main

Standard int, Char, String, Vector arrays

Constructor Methods

C++ Inline Assembly

Code Snippets

Code Scripts

Arrays/ Vector Arrays

For Loops

While Loops

Switch Statements

If Statements

Programming for Games and Game Engines(Very Strong)

Do While Loop

UI Programming (C++/ Visual Basic)

Code Debugging/ Code Modification/ Code Optimization

Visual Studio(Primary IDE)

Low Level Programming

Windows (Although I can work with Linux I have used Linux before)

I have spent 15 years working with coding in these areas to a highly advanced level seems simple right I assure you it isn't the programs I worked with and code I have worked have had thousands of code lines specifically in these areas.

No 1 programmer is the same even if we use the same coding languages the coding areas we operate in can be completely different we are not the all same.

What is your skill level in Assembly Language?

Very high I'm highly advanced in straight up Assembly Language doesn't matter the code structure this level of coding is a strong suit for me I'm almost a Retro Programmer.

What I am not as a programmer?

Full Stack Developer

CLR Developer


Advanced mathematical programming equation ( I know some math obviously but I don't have to use it this much)

Vector Programmer ( I usually don't need to use this when I program)

Templates ( I use Classes often usually I don't need to make a template based on how I program)

Programming teacher (Remember I'm self taught programming let me fix, debug, and modify code in an IDE I learn and code way better that way)

Programming on paper (Hand me a Visual Studio I view some code to refresh my memory then go from there I'm not a professor)

This is my profile as a programmer I don't usually program the next database let alone from scratch often unless in Games, Game Engine, or the structure of my code it is still standard even if the coding is advanced.

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