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Game Creation in the development Business for Games

Updated: Oct 21, 2023

As someone who has 14 years experience in software development primarily in games

making an actual game is not as easy as it sounds people see Gears of War but don't think of the budget it takes to build such applications which are essentially software. Usually building a game requires a connection of people with the common goal to build a game which usually requires a budget even if done as a side task as Unreal Engine usually requires an expensive license same for Unity especially if you are getting books that cover how to use it which is about $1000 now.

Why not just build a game yourself?

Ok long story less collaborators more work as now you are covering at least 4 people's jobs now in order to make a single game and promoting the game as people have to play it in order to be successful it will also come directly out of pocket when it shouldn't unless you have the budget of Bungie as if that's the case have fun but most don't.

If you choose to go to solo developer for a game most people don't realize

1. You need to probably do your artwork 1st with 3D there's applications like Blender for free software Maya and 3DS max usually spike personal wallet 3,000K and that's without needed add-ons even then your hardware ram has to be high same for graphics card, with page file ram otherwise your computer can crash when you add more detail. Also 3D creation systems are expensive depending on artistic style as well.

2D is less expensive but can still require conversion art software to animate which is also hard to find and do without high cost and time.

2. For programming alone you are covering at least 4 jobs programmer for gameplay, UI programmer, Audio programmer, and AI programmer unless your building an online multiplayer game (If you are the jobs you are covering by yourself just went to 5 more on this later). On your own you can cut 2 of these roles possibly UI programmer and audio to a solo developer for gameplay basics but even then still difficult. However gameplay and AI programmer are a must as a game is supposed to present a challenge and be a game so on both subjects depending on game type research and actual development can be 2 months no joke.

3. 2D games save development time more practical unless its 2D 3D as then it gets very complex and take months to code alone. 3D games requires way more work as now you have to cover physics programming, damage detection, and hit stun finding info on how to do this solo is not often readily available with a serious budget.

4. If you want to build an online multiplayer game now its 5 jobs Network Programmer along with a server graphics card(3000K cost), Hardware server Ram(most likely same amount as server graphics card for multiple cards and trip to computer tech for install which is also complex to get done for correct ram cards), and page file ram to avoid crashes when high amount of users are playing. You also need to setup your Network Gateway as well.

So when someone says why don't you just build a game? Hold on this isn't board games this is still actually the software business that in reality I could spend a year on depending on game type so its no where near that simple if you don't ask someone why don't you just build a plane unless you're building the next pong its not kind to ask why don't you just build a game people spend millions to make AAA games and make millions from it this is not eye candy its often serious business even if it is in the world of fun.

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