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Current Interest in Software

My background is primarily in the field of development for games as a Software Engineer however it is also as a Software Engineer/Business Analyst as I have worked in Tech Finance so their are multiple positions and business fields I qualify for.

What are my current business interests and why would I apply for roles or businesses outside games?

After 14 years experience in development for games and in business in general I'm more prepared to run my own business at this stage so if your an employer or viewing this with general interest regardless if your business is involved in games or not I'm more so seeking a partnership as mostly likely I would fill the role I applied for with a company with hopes of presenting potential business ventures or business opportunities. If trust was built between the employer I intended to work with I would even welcome a grant under the right circumstances as I have the appropriate contacts and business knowledge to pursue and support this type of opportunity.

What about interest for roles in Gaming related companies?

I have solid interest Software Engineering for games however the connection between employers and candidates are for the most part disconnected. Employers hope to hire someone who work for common business companies even if skills are a solid match sometimes its neither as employers make their choices and decisions. Candidates can obviously have the skills, ask the right questions, and might even be right for the role even so usually in the Software field having a voice is difficult as usually this means you are on your own in voicing opinions and issues concerning connections with employers and potential employees in software for games this is no exception.

In other words if there's an issue with other business fields usually potential candidates or employees have the benefit of unions, conferences, etc. However when its a company that's involved in software or the software related department in a business and a problem occurs for potential candidates or employees then it's just seen as another day in the world.

Obviously the more friends you have the better off you will be in voicing your opinion and working with potential employers but more often than not Business Analysts and Software related candidates or employees don't have this benefit. People care when someone turns their phone off or their favorite network less people care that the person who did the groundwork for that network or phone is having an issue with the network or phone company.

Last all those involved in the software field even for games have their own business paths just because I am highly experienced in the field of games doesn't mean I only want to work for Bethesda or Activision or that I am only fit to work for them my goals or business experience can be completely different despite software for games being my skill background that also doesn't mean that I don't have business interests outside of games as well.

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