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C++ in the Finance Technology Business

C++ has been in the business of technology for years now and can have many applications due to the high flexibly of the programming language. C++ can often be used for basic tasks such as opening startup programs and doing basic computer interactions. However what about C++ in the world of Finance?

Recently I have discovered in my findings that C++ can be used to create Technology Finance applications as C++ has the potential to store accounting information include account numbers and financial transactions and the benefit is all that is needed for the most part besides the account information would be the program and the storage space to run the C++ data application.

C++ also has potential to backup files to almost any connected location as it is possible to program this in C++ as navigating to files is one of the basic tools of C++ and has the potential to save data to a network location if you have a network filepath location granted some permissions for data could be needed.

C++ also has a high reliability rate has it's less reliant on supporting applications or software so if problems happen in Technology Finance C++ could be used to address a risk in any Finance application since not much is needed to run C++ programs and customization with C++ is very high.

To support my findings check out my Github link and code source reference below:

GitHub Link:

My coding source reference:

Building Business Applications Using C++: An Introduction to the Object Model by Lucy Garnett (1996-10-10)

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