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Why Paper Assessments are futile

Updated: Oct 21, 2023

I'm writing this primarily for those looking to hire my services and for what in general programmer's know but do anyway and most companies I feel should stop doing immediately as it annoying to most programmers as we hardly write anything on paper or in word documents when it comes to actual programming. Also they ask questions that you learn in programming years ago for most experienced programmers this is completely futile as most programmers use very different IDE's, coding structures, programming styles, have different programming backgrounds, coding preferences, written thousands of code, and most likely have to adapt their coding styles to the company's needs.

Another reason why paper assessments are futile because they will never simulate how good someone actually is as a programmer or on an actual development project that you can only truly know on an actual hands-on development project when I'm actually working for the company which I'm not at this point clearly.

So what is more preferred ?

Obviously you need some way to asses a programmer's style and skillset this is why for Technical Interview or Technical Assessments Programmer Profile documents and Code Samples are better as they allow the developer to see how the candidate does development what their programming tendencies are and what IDE's they like to use also provides a clear scope of the programmer the developers and managers are working worth.

Why are paper assessments futile in Technical Interviews?

Both the candidate and the company developers or development managers know this doesn't represent a programmer's true skill as it simply multiple choice or written questions based on what the current developers do which FYI the Candidate trying to get hired for the position doesn't know unless their a close friend obviously.

I know people would like to think we live in a peaceful world but we don't and for programmers its no different even if a developer is the only team member they would prefer a smaller team as new team members are looked at as replacements or invaders as supposed to supporting team members looking to join a new company so I know developers or managers won't admit this but paper assessments are primarily for sabotage of new potential developers I know that from experience and from now on I'm against them as they don't represent true programming skill at all period and both the Candidates and the Company Developer's know it.

Last no matter how much experience you have as a programmer as some point you have to learn on the job as you have to adapt your programming style to company needs paper assessments assume you know everything in terms of how the company does development which I don't as I would be a potential new hire obviously.

So skip the paper assessments I have code samples that cover this and a programmer's profile which is way better linked below:


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